华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 2009 ›› Issue (6): 101-107.

• 环境工程 地理学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 华东师范大学 环境科学系,上海200062; 2. 浙江天目山国家级自然保护区管理局,浙江 临安311311; 3. 浙江省林业有害生物防治检疫局,杭州310020
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-03 修回日期:2009-05-14 出版日期:2009-11-25 发布日期:2009-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 杨淑贞

Soil physical and chemical properties along altitudes ofWestern Tianmushan, Zhejiang (Chinese)

YANG Shu-zhen1,2, MA Yuan1,JIANG Ping3,JIAO Jing1,ZHU Yun-feng3, ZHAO Ming-shui2,CHEN Xiao-yong1   

  1. 1. Department of Environment Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai200062, China;2. Management Bureau of Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Lin’an Zhejiang311311, China;3. Forest Pest Control and Quarantine Bureau of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou310020, China
  • Received:2008-09-03 Revised:2009-05-14 Online:2009-11-25 Published:2009-11-25
  • Contact: YANG Shu-zhen

摘要: 通过分析土壤理化性质,了解西天目山土壤理化性质的变化并验证酸沉降导致近年来西天目山柳杉衰退的观点.沿海拔梯度从350~1 350 m每隔200 m选定取样点,每个样点分3层取土样,分析土壤的理化性质.总体来看,随着海拔的升高,粗颗粒比例、土壤含水量和有机物含量增加,土壤容重和pH值随海拔的升高而降低,而总氮和总磷含量没有固定的趋势.与11年和20年前相比,土壤pH值显著降低,表明土壤呈现明显的酸化,土壤的快速酸化提供了酸沉降诱发柳杉快速衰退的证据.

关键词: 西天目山, 土壤性质, 海拔, 土壤酸化, 西天目山, 土壤性质, 海拔, 土壤酸化

Abstract: In recent years, ancient trees of Cryptomeria japonica var sinensis in Western Tianmushan are declining due to attacks by diseases and insect pests, which were believed to be triggered by acid deposition. The physical and chemical features of soils to provide references for this opinion was analyzed. In this study, soil samples were collected along altitude from 350 m to 1 350 m, with the interval of 200 m. At each sampling site, soil samples were collected from three layers. Soil texture, humidity, bulk density, pH value, organic matter content, contents of total nitrogen and total phosphor were analyzed. Generally, percentage of coarse particles, soil humidity and organic matter content increased with increasing altitude. Soil bulk density and pH value had a declining trend with the increase in altitude. Total nitrogen and phosphor contents had no constant trend along altitude. Compared to the data of 1986 and 1995 years, significant decrease in pH value was observed, indicating a trend of acidification. The observed soil acidification provides evidence for the rapid decline in ancient trees of Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis triggered by acid deposition.

Key words: soil properties, altitude, soil acidification, Western Tianmushan, soil properties, altitude, soil acidification
