In order to understand the effects of environment factors on phytoplankton growth, phytoplankton in Dishui Lake had been sampled at 14 monitoring spot locations in December of 2012 and April, July, November of 2013, respectively. The physical and chemical indicators had been monitored to analyze the growth of phytoplankton and the spacetime characteristics of influence factors. Correlative analysis was also made to determine major parameters that influence the growth of phytoplankton in Dishui Lake. It showed that main diversion channel of Dishui Lake is much higher than that of other sites. Seasonal variety of phytoplankton density was similar to that of chlorophylla content, but phytoplankton density of summer was a little higher than that of winter. The effect of filter feeding fish on phytoplankton can explain this phenomenon. Correlation analysis indicated that total phosphorous concentration had great influence on the growth of phytoplankton. This study provides biological basement in evaluating water quality and prevents eutrophication of Dishui Lake.
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