分别对浙江西天目山濒危植物天目铁木(Ostrya rehderiana)和羊角槭(Acer yangjuechi)进行叶片气体交换参数日动态测定,探讨其光合与蒸腾作用的影响因素,比较光能利用效率和水分利用效率.结果显示,天目铁木的净光合速率日动态有午休现象;当光合有效辐射没有显著差异时,天目铁木的净光合速率显著大于羊角槭(p<0.05),与其林冠层阳生环境相适应;二者光能利用效率日变化无明显差异,但弱光条件下,羊角槭的光能利用效率高于天目铁木(p<0.05),与其林下层耐阴植物的特性相符;二者的水分利用效率日动态不同,羊角槭高于天目铁木(p<0.05),表明羊角槭蒸腾活动降低而导致.
In order to compare the differences of gas exchange between suntolerant and shadetolerant plants, diurnal variations in photosynthetic and transpiration indices were measured using LI6400 portable photosynthesis system in two endangered species, Ostrya rehderiana Chun (suntolerance) and Acer yangjuechi Fang et P. L. Chiu (shadetolerance). Our results showed that O. rehderiana was a bimodal curve in diurnal change of photosynthesis rate (Pn), while A. yangjuechi was a unimodal curve. A. yangjuechi had a higher light use efficiency (RUE) than O. rehderiana under a relatively weak light (p<0.05), suggesting A. yangjuechi had an increased net photosynthesis rate (P n) in weaker light conditions, e.g. under a longterm shade circumstance. The water use efficiency (WUE) was also higher in A. yangjuechi than in O. rehderiana (p<0.05). This indicated A. yangjuechi had a lower transpiration in shaded conditions.
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