The purpose of preserving users’ location privacy is to prevent others in any way knowing the location of the mobile users in the past or now, and provide mobile users with high quality service at the same time. On the other hand, the purpose of preserving users query privacy is to prevent others in any way knowing the query of mobile users. Privacy preservation has a unique structural characteristic on road network. In this paper, according to the characteristics of the road network, based on the network expansion method, it will form an undirected graph containing an internal ring as anonymous space for mobile users to send requests, namely it takes the small graph with a ring in the road network graph. This graph combines the structure characteristics of both ring and tree, effectively preventing anonymous space from becoming a single path and protecting the location privacy of mobile users. At the same time, this paper first proposes refine of anonymous space. Through refining, it can be determined that whether the anonymous space of mobile users in the same anonymous set is same, and whether two anonymous spaces after removing the intersection is a single path. It can effectively prevent query privacy leak because of anonymous space without mutuality.
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