设$ G $是一个$ n $阶图, 若对于每一个$ k\;(3\leqslant k\leqslant n) $, 图$ G $都含有$ k $-圈, 则称图$ G $为泛圈图. 泛圈图是圈理论研究中的重要课题. 研究得到了Hamilton圈上两个不相邻的点在圈上的距离是3的泛圈性结果.
An $ n $-vertex graph is called pancyclic if it contains a cycle of length $ k $ for every $ k\;(3\leqslant k\leqslant n) $. Pancyclic graphs are an important topic in cycle theory. In this paper, we demonstrate pancyclicity by showing that the distance between two non-adjacent vertices on a Hamiltonian cycle is 3.
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