基于深度图像的手势估计比人体姿势估计更加困难, 部分原因在于算法不能很好地识别同一个手势经旋转后的不同外观样式. 提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)推测预旋转角度的手势姿态估计改进方法: 先利用自动算法标注的最佳旋转角度来训练CNN; 在手势识别之前, 用训练好的CNN模型回归计算出应预旋转的角度, 然后再对手部深度图像进行旋转; 最后采用随机决策森林(Random Decision Forest, RDF)方法对手部像素进行分类, 聚类产生出手部关节位置. 实验证明该方法可以减少预测的手部关节位置与准确位置之间的误差, 手势姿态估计的正确率平均上升了约4.69%.
Hand gesture estimation is much more difficult than human pose estimation from depth images, in part because existing algorithms are unable to recognize different appearances of the same hand gesture after rotation. In this paper, an improved approach for hand gesture estimation based on in-plane image rotation is proposed. First, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained by datasets with an auto tagged optimum angle of rotation. Then, prior to hand gesture recognition, an in-plane image of the hand depth was processed by the predicted angle of rotation through the trained CNN model. Lastly, depth pixels were classified by random decision forest (RDF), followed by clustering to generate the hand joint position. Experiments show that this method can reduce the error between the predicted position of the hand joint and the exact position, and the accuracy of gesture estimation improves by about 4.69% from the baseline.
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