网络是一种常用的数据结构, 在社交、通信和生物等领域广泛存在, 如何对网络顶点进行表示是学术界和工业界广泛关注的难点问题之一. 网络顶点表示学习旨在将顶点映射到一个低维的向量空间, 并且能够保留网络中顶点间的拓扑结构. 本文在分析网络顶点表示学习的动机与挑战的基础上, 对目前网络顶点表示学习的主流方法进行了详细分析与比较, 主要包括基于矩阵分解、基于随机游走和基于深度学习的方法, 最后介绍了衡量网络顶点表示性能的方法.
Network is a commonly used data structure, which is widely applied in social network, communication and biological fields. Thus, how to represent network vertices is one of the difficult problems that is widely concerned in academia and industry. Network vertex representation aims at learning to map each vertex into a vector in a low-dimensional space, and simultaneously preserving the topology structure between vertices in the network. Based on the analysis of the motivation and challenges of network vertex representation, this paper analyzes and compares the mainstream methods of network vertex representation in detail, including matrix decomposition, random walk and deep learning based approaches, and finally introduces the methods to measure the performance of network vertex representation.
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