

  • SHABANI Ekyamba Isaac ,
  • 刘曼红 ,
  • KASEREKA Vitekere ,
  • EKOKO Wetshokonda Alice ,
  • 孙旭 ,
  • 李晓钰 ,
  • 于洪贤
  • 1. 东北林业大学 野生动物与自然保护地学院 生态学系, 哈尔滨 150040, 中国
    2. 基桑加尼大学 水文生物学系, 基桑加尼 2012, 刚果(金)
    3. 东北林业大学 野生动物与自然保护地学院 野生动物保护利用学系, 哈尔滨 150040, 中国
    4. 蒂纳保护生物学中心 动物学系, 刚果(金)
    5. 基桑加尼大学 水利和林业学系, 基桑加尼 2012, 刚果(金)

收稿日期: 2020-04-21

  网络出版日期: 2021-02-07

A study of the fauna of Mangroves National Park (or Muanda Marine Reserve)

  • Ekyamba Isaac SHABANI ,
  • Manhong LIU ,
  • Vitekere KASEREKA ,
  • Wetshokonda Alice EKOKO ,
  • Xu SUN ,
  • Xiaoyu LI ,
  • Hongxian YU
  • 1. Department of Ecology, College of Wildlife and Protected Area, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
    2. Department of Hydrobiology, University of Kisangani, Kisangani 2012, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    3. Department of Wildlife Conservation and Utilization, College of Wildlife and Protected Area, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
    4. Department of Zoology, Tayna Center for Conservation Biology, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    5. Department of Water and Forests, University of Kisangani, Kisangani 2012, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Received date: 2020-04-21

  Online published: 2021-02-07


本项目研究区域位于刚果民主共和国穆安达红树林国家公园, 动物种类共有47种, 其中爬行动物12种(Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Lepidochelys olivacea, Naja annulata, Najasp., Dendroaspis jamesoni, Bitis nasicornis, Bitis gabonica, Python sebae, Varanus niloticus, Crocodilus cataphratusCrocodilus niloticus), 鸟类23种(Limicola falcinellus, Sterna paradisaea, Psittacus erithacus, Ardea goliath, Bulbulcus ibis, Egretta garzetta, Plegadis falcinellus, Centropus anselli, Treron calva, Ceryle rudis, Halcyon malimbicus, Halcyon senegalensis, Gypohierax angolensi, Milvus migrans, Francolinus sp., Numida meleagri, Microcarbo africanus, Pelagodroma marina, Uraeginthus angolensis, Corvus albus, Hirundo sp., Passer griseusAndropadussp.), 哺乳类12种(Potamogale velox, Felis sylvetris, Viverra civetta, Canis aduslus, Atherurus africanus, Thryonomys swinderianus, Cephalophus sp., Tragelaphus scriptus, Hyppopotamus amphibius, Cercopithecus Ascanius, Colobus sp.和Trichechus senegalensis). 研究发现有24种动物是无危的(LC), 4种动物是易危的(VU), 2种动物是濒危的(EN), 1种动物是(CR)极危的, 另外10种动物未进行评估(NE). 为了更好地保护该地区动物多样性, 需要采取一系列的相关措施, 比如减少该地区人类活动, 对破坏的栖息地进行改造和恢复等.


SHABANI Ekyamba Isaac , 刘曼红 , KASEREKA Vitekere , EKOKO Wetshokonda Alice , 孙旭 , 李晓钰 , 于洪贤 . 穆安达红树林国家公园(海洋保护区)动物区系研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 , 2020(S1) : 79 -83 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.202092203


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