收稿日期: 2020-03-26
网络出版日期: 2021-04-01
Analysis of land use dynamics and driving forces of water source protection areas in the upper reaches of the Huangpu River
Received date: 2020-03-26
Online published: 2021-04-01
基于0.25 m分辨率航空遥感数据和土地利用及地形图等资料, 通过人工目视解译, 得到2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年上海市黄浦江上游水源保护区土地利用数据, 进一步分析了各类土地利用面积变化、相互转化以及驱动力. 结果表明, 从2000—2015年, 随着工业用地的增长, 农业用地及水域面积都出现了缩减, 城镇用地面积比例上升. 15年间, 农业用地中, 耕地、畜禽养殖用地面积大幅减少, 降幅分别为44.17%、71.65%; 水域面积降幅为6.44%; 绿地林地面积大幅增加, 增幅为645.94%. 城镇用地面积大幅增加, 增幅为53.53%, 其中各类城镇用地面积都有所增加, 工业仓储面积增幅最大, 为21.77%. 从土地转出情况来看, 15年间耕地转出面积最大, 为22839.96 hm2; 畜禽养殖用地的转出率最高, 为91.23%. 从土地转入情况来看, 15年间绿地林地转入面积最大, 为16190.32 hm2; 其次是工业仓储用地转入面积, 为7979.12 hm2. 综合2000—2015年研究区域发展情况、人口变化、政策影响等多种因素, 分析可知城市化、工业化作为驱动力增加城镇用地面积, 环境政策影响绿地林地面积、畜禽养殖用地面积, 市场调节影响水产养殖用地面积, 而水源保护区土地利用类型受环境政策以及城市化双重作用影响.
吴健 , 陈力 , 邱思静 , 鄢忠纯 , 苏敬华 , 胡礼庭 , 王敏 . 黄浦江上游水源保护区土地利用动态及驱动力分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021 , 2021(2) : 110 -119 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.02.011
Using a combination of 0.25 m resolution aerial remote sensing data and topographic maps, the land use data for the Shanghai Huangpu River Water Source Protection Area in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 were evaluated by means of manual visual interpretation. With the growth of industrial land from 2000 to 2015, there has been a relative decline in the proportion of agricultural land and water areas and a relative increase in the proportion of urban land areas. In the past 15 years, the areas used for farming and cultivating livestock and poultry have decreased by 44.17% and 71.65%, respectively. The area of water reduction has decreased by 6.44%. The area of green land forests, in contrast, has increased by 645.94%. The area of urban land has increased by 53.53%. All types of urban land use have increased, with the area used for industrial storage increasing the most at 21.77%. From the perspective of land transfer, the area of cultivated land transferred outward was the largest in the past 15 years, accounting for 22,839.96 hectares, and the transfer-outward rate of livestock and poultry farming land was the highest at 91.23%. The area of green land forests transferred inward was the largest at 16190.32 hectares; the transfer of industrial storage land inward was the second largest at 7979.12 hectares. Based on an analysis of development in the region, population changes, policy impacts, and other factors, our results indicate that urbanization and industrialization drove the increases in urban land areas; moreover, environmental policies affected green land areas as well as livestock and poultry farming land areas, market regulations affected aquaculture land areas, and environmental policies and urbanization affected water source protection areas.
Key words: Huangpu River; water source protection area; land use; driving force
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