收稿日期: 2023-04-20
录用日期: 2023-06-09
网络出版日期: 2024-01-23
上海市科委社会发展科技攻关项目 (22dz1202800); 国家自然科学基金 (42271085, 42206154);中国博士后科学基金 (2021M691022)
Comparative study of the vertical distribution characteristics of microplastics and sampling methods for microplastics in the water column: A case study in the Jiulong River estuary
Received date: 2023-04-20
Accepted date: 2023-06-09
Online published: 2024-01-23
由于受到潮汐过程的影响, 河口区微塑料的调查和研究存在着方法不统一、数据误差较大的问题. 2019年夏季使用泵采法在九龙江河口开展原位全水层微塑料采样, 对不同水层、不同站位间的微塑料丰度及其赋存特征进行分析, 并与其他在该河口的相关调查研究结果进行对比. 结果表明: 九龙江河口表、中、底层水体中的微塑料赋存量存在明显差异, 河流入海口及靠近污染源处表层水中微塑料丰度明显高于中、底层中, 在潮汐作用剧烈的河口区, 中、底层中微塑料丰度高于表层水中, 存在明显分层现象; 使用不同采样方法获取的微塑料数量浓度值存在较大差异, 泵采法相比拖网法能更有效地截留塑料纤维; 使用泵采法过滤水样体积、滤经筛网孔径大小都对收集到的微塑料丰度、尺寸有显著影响. 采样方法的不同将导致微塑料丰度结果的显著差异, 在潮汐河口进行微塑料监测有必要将潮汐作用考虑在内. 因此, 建议建立潮汐河口的微塑料业务化监测和通量观测, 并采用洪、枯季, 大、小潮的全潮时段的观测采样方法.
蒋春华 , 易津旭 , 朱礼鑫 , 刘凯 , 宗常兴 , 李道季 . 水体微塑料的垂向分布及采样方法比较研究——以九龙江河口为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024 , 2024(1) : 79 -89 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.01.009
Due to the influence of tidal processes, sampling and study of microplastics in estuarine areas have been hampered by inconsistent research methods and large data errors. In this study, whole-water depth sampling was conducted in the Jiulong River estuary using the pumping method in August of 2019. The abundances and distribution patterns of microplastics among different water layers and stations were analyzed and compared with research studies performed using different sampling methods. The results showed that the microplastic abundances in the surface, middle, and bottom waters of the Jiulong River estuary were markedly different and influenced by tidal effects. The abundances of microplastics obtained by different sampling methods were also significantly different. The abundance of microplastics in the surface water was significantly higher than the abundances in the middle and bottom waters near the source of pollution, and the abundances of microplastics in the middle and bottom waters were higher than the abundance in the surface water within the main estuary, which is subject to strong tidal action and has obvious stratification. The pumping method was more effective than the trawling method at retaining plastic fibers. The volume of water sample filtered by the pumping method and the size of the filtering mesh had significant effects on the abundances and sizes of the obtained microplastics. Different sampling methods lead to considerable differences in microplastic abundance results, and it is necessary to take tidal effects into account during microplastic monitoring in tidal estuaries. Therefore, it is recommended that operational monitoring and flux observations of microplastics in tidal estuaries be established and that sampling methods for observation of full tidal periods of flood and dry seasons and high and low tides should be used.
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