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Communication-efficient distributed statistical inference on zero-inflated Poisson models

Ran Wan ,

School of Statistics and Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Yang Bai

School of Statistics and Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Pages | Received 12 Feb. 2023, Accepted 21 Sep. 2023, Published online: 30 Oct. 2023,
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Zero-inflated count outcomes are common in many studies, such as counting claim frequency in the insurance industry in which identifying and understanding excessive zeros are of interest. Moreover, with the progress of data collecting and storage techniques, the amount of data is too massive to be stored or processed by a single node or branch. Hence, to develop distributed data analysis is blossoming. In this paper, several communication-efficient distributed zero-inflated Poisson regression algorithms are developed to analyse such kind of large-scale zero-inflated data. Both asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and algorithm complexities are well studied and conducted. Various simulation studies demonstrate that our proposed method and algorithm work well and efficiently. Finally, in the case study, we apply our proposed algorithms to a car insurance data from Kaggle.


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To cite this article: Ran Wan & Yang Bai (2024) Communication-efficient distributed statisticalinference on zero-inflated Poisson models, Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 8:2, 81-106,DOI: 10.1080/24754269.2023.2263721

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