华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 2010 ›› Issue (1): 118-126.

• 计算机科学与技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 华东师范大学 计算机科学技术系, 上海200062; 2. 国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心, 北京100029
  • 收稿日期:2009-06-08 修回日期:2009-09-14 出版日期:2010-01-25 发布日期:2010-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 钱海峰

Security authentication protocol based on bilinear pairing (Chinese)

HUANG Su-shan1,QIAN Hai-feng1,ZHOU Yuan2


  1. 1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai200062, China; 2. National Computer Network and Information Security Administration Center, Beijing100029, China
  • Received:2009-06-08 Revised:2009-09-14 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-01-25
  • Contact: QIAN Hai-feng

摘要: 介绍了一种基于双线性配对的可扩展的安全认证机制.该机制具有以下优点:(1) 在同样安全性能下,采用双线性配对签名可以有效减少密钥的长度,降低了对网络带宽的要求,从而更加适合于大型网络;(2) 融合了三因素认证机制以实现泄密侦测;(3) 可以根据用户要求实现密钥撤销;(4) 具有高性能及可扩展性.

关键词: 双线性配对, 口令, 认证协议, 椭圆曲线, 安全, 双线性配对, 口令, 认证协议, 椭圆曲线, 安全

Abstract: A scalable authentication protocol based on bilinear paring was proposed. There are several advantages of the new protocol: (1) By using the bilinear group, the length of public parameter and keys decreases with the same security level, hence we reduce bandwidth needed in communication, thus the protocol is more suitable for the huge internet system. (2) It incorporates a 3-factor authentication mechanism for detecting compromise. (3) The password can be canceled by user’s requirement. (4) The protocol has great efficiency and scalable implement.

Key words: password, authentication protocol, elliptic curve, security, bilinear pairing, password, authentication protocol, elliptic curve, security
