华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 2011 ›› Issue (2): 152-162.

• 生态学 生命科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


张兴华1, 郑连斌1, 陆舜华2, 罗东梅1, 于会新1, 王志博1, 武亚文1   

  1. 1.天津师范大学 生命科学学院 天津市细胞遗传与分子调控重点实验室,天津 300387;2.内蒙古师范大学 生命科学与技术学院,呼和浩特 010022
  • 收稿日期:2010-02-01 修回日期:2010-05-01 出版日期:2011-03-25 发布日期:2011-03-25
  • 通讯作者: 郑连斌

Study on 13 human population genetics characters of Zang of Linzhi in Tibet

ZHANG Xing-hua1, ZHENG Lian-bin1, LU Shun-hua2, LUO Dong-mei1, YU Hui-xin1, WANG Zhi-bo1, WU Ya-wen1   

  1. 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cyto-Genetical and Molecular Regulation, College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China; 2. College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010022, China
  • Received:2010-02-01 Revised:2010-05-01 Online:2011-03-25 Published:2011-03-25
  • Contact: ZHENG Lian-biN

摘要: 调查了西藏林芝地区492例(男183例,女309例)藏族中学生的13项人类群体遗传学指标.研究结果如下:(1)内眦褶、上眼睑皱褶、门齿类型、鼻梁类型和环食指长率在男女性别之间存在显著性差异;(2)林芝藏族有内眦褶、凸鼻梁、有耳垂、过伸型拇指和扁型指甲率在我国族群中居较低水平,有上眼睑皱褶、窄鼻孔、卷发和拇趾长率在我国族群中居较高水平,有铲型门齿、突型下颏、尖发际和环指长率在我国族群中居中等水平;(3)林芝藏族头面部9项指标彼此相关性较小,与手足相关的4项指标间无相关性.聚类分析表明,林芝地区藏族的13项遗传指标与北方族群有较大差别.

关键词: 内眦褶, 上眼睑皱褶, 藏族, 林芝, 族群, 聚类分析, 内眦褶, 上眼睑皱褶, 藏族, 林芝, 族群, 聚类分析

Abstract: Samples of 492 middle school students of Zang, including 183 males and 309 females, were investigated on 13 human population genetics characters. The results are as follows:(1) There are significant differences on 5 characters, including mongoloid fold, eyefold of the upper eyelid, front tooth type, nasal profile and palmar digital fomula;(2) The mongoloid fold, projecting nasal profile, ear lobe appearance, hyperextension thumb and flat nail of Zang have low percentages in Chinese ethnic groups, but there are high percentages in eyefold of the upper eyelid, narrow nostril, curly hair and 1>2 of plantar digital formula. The percentages of shovel-shaped front tooth, protruding chin, forehead hair point and ring finger have the middle level in Chinese ethnic groups.(3) Correlations are little among 9 characters of head and face,and there are no correlations among 4 characters of hand and foot.The results of cluster analysis show that there are significant differences of the 13 human population genetics characters between Zang from Linzhi and northern ethnic groups.

Key words: eyefold of the upper eyelid, Zang, Linzhi, ethnic groups, cluster analysis, mongoloid fold, eyefold of the upper eyelid, Zang, Linzhi, ethnic groups, cluster analysis
