Review Articles

Dimension reduction with expectation of conditional difference measure

Wenhui Sheng ,

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA

Qingcong Yuan

Biostatistics and Programming, Sanofi US, Bridgewater, NJ, USA

Pages | Received 26 Sep. 2022, Accepted 14 Feb. 2023, Published online: 13 Mar. 2023,
  • Abstract
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In this article, we introduce a flexible model-free approach to sufficient dimension reduction analysis using the expectation of conditional difference measure. Without any strict conditions, such as linearity condition or constant covariance condition, the method estimates the central subspace exhaustively and efficiently under linear or nonlinear relationships between response and predictors. The method is especially meaningful when the response is categorical. We also studied the n½-consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimate. The efficacy of our method is demonstrated through both simulations and a real data analysis.

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To cite this article: Wenhui Sheng & Qingcong Yuan (2023) Dimension reduction with expectation of conditional difference measure, Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 7:3, 188-201, DOI: 10.1080/24754269.2023.2182136

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