华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 2005 ›› Issue (5/6): 188-197.

• 生命科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学 生命科学学院,上海200062
  • 收稿日期:2004-04-16 修回日期:2004-05-18 出版日期:2005-12-31 发布日期:2005-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 朱瑞良

Study on Bryophytes in Evergreen Broadleaved Forests ofDaweishan Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, China(Chinese)

ZHAI De-cheng,YANG Li-qiong,ZHU Rui-liang   

  1. School of Life Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai200062, China
  • Received:2004-04-16 Revised:2004-05-18 Online:2005-12-31 Published:2005-12-31
  • Contact: ZHU Rui-liang

摘要: 采用无样抽样点四分法对云南大围山自然保护区常绿阔叶林内的苔藓植物作了调查.依据野外样方资料,现知该林内有苔藓植物34科、66属、134种.林内苔藓植物的区系成分丰富,以东亚成分为主,热带成分也极其丰富;生态分布类型复杂多样,其中以腐木和树干附生类型最为丰富.根据Kroeber′s相似性系数分析,大围山自然保护区常绿阔叶林内的苔藓植物区系在科的水平上与浙江百山祖、广西花坪相似程度很高,在属的水平上三地的相似程度较高,而在种一级水平上则相差较远.其中扁枝小锦藓 (Brotherella complanata)、弯喙小锦藓 (Brotherella curvirostris)、粗拟疣胞藓 (Clastobryopsis robusta)、 绯服部藓 (Sinskea flammeum)、服部藓 (Sinskea phaea)、 扭叶耳叶藓 (Toloxis semitorta)、橙色粗带藓 (Trachycladiella aurea)、以及散生粗带藓 (Trachycladiella sparsa)八种藓类植物为新拟中文名.

关键词: 苔藓植物, 常绿阔叶林, 大围山自然保护区, 云南, 苔藓植物, 常绿阔叶林, 大围山自然保护区, 云南

Abstract: This paper deals with floristics and the ecological distribution of bryophytes in the evergreen broadleaved forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve (22°28′~22°45′ N, 103°39′~103°51′ E) by means of the Point Central Quarter Method. A total of 134 species representing 34 families and 66 genera were reported, among them 59 species (44.0% of the total) belonging to East Asian elements, and 53 species (39.6%) to tropical ones. The ecological distribution of bryophytes in the evergreen broadleaved forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve can be divided into four main types: (1) Epixylophytia (2) Geophytia; (3) Petrophytia; (4) Epiphyllitia. By Kroeber′s percentage of similarity, the index of similarity is high among Daweishan Nature Reserve , Baishanzu Nature Reserve and Huaping Nature Reserve at the level of family and genus. It, however, is low at species level. Chinese names of eight species, Brotherella complanata, Brotherella curvirostris, Clastobryopsis robusta, Sinskea flammeum, Sinskea phaea, Toloxis semitorta, Trachycladiella aurea and Trachycladiella sparsa, are newly given.

Key words: evergreen broadleaved forests, Daweishan Nature Reserve, Yunnan, bryophytes, evergreen broadleaved forests, Daweishan Nature Reserve, Yunnan
