Review Articles

Testing hypotheses under covariate-adaptive randomisation and additive models

Ting Ye

Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, USA


Pages 96-101 | Received 05 Apr. 2018, Accepted 13 May. 2018, Published online: 25 May. 2018,
  • Abstract
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Covariate-adaptive randomisation has a long history of applications in clinical trials. Shao, Yu, and Zhong [(2010). A theory for testing hypotheses under covariate-adaptive randomization. Biometrika, 97, 347–360] and Shao and Yu [(2013). Validity of tests under covariate-adaptive biased coin randomization and generalized linear models. Biometrics, 69, 960–969] showed that the simple t-test is conservative under covariate-adaptive biased coin (CABC) randomisation in terms of type I error, and proposed a valid test using the bootstrap. Under a general additive model with CABC randomisation, we construct a calibrated t-test that shares the same property as the bootstrap method in Shao et al. (2010), but do not need large computation required by the bootstrap method. Some simulation results are presented to show the finite sample performance of the calibrated t-test.


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