华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2007, Vol. 2007 ›› Issue (6): 12-19.

• 地理学 河口海岸学 • 上一篇    下一篇


郑建瑜1,2, 周乃晟3   

  1. 1.华东师范大学 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海200062; 2.上海师范大学 地理系,上海200234; 3.华东师范大学 地理系,上海200062
  • 收稿日期:2006-10-11 修回日期:2006-12-06 出版日期:2007-11-25 发布日期:2007-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 郑建瑜

Research on Nitrogen Nonpoint Source Pollution Model in Farmland of Shanghai Suburbs(Chinese)

ZHENG Jian-yu1,2, ZHOU Nai-sheng3   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science,Ministry of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai200062,China;2.Department of Geography, Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai200234, China; 3.Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai200062, China
  • Received:2006-10-11 Revised:2006-12-06 Online:2007-11-25 Published:2007-11-25
  • Contact: ZHENG Jian-yu

摘要: 研究了农田中氮素随径流动力输出的过程,并依据径流特征和农田氮肥施用情况,将全年区分为水田施肥期、水田生长期和非水田期.按试验时的天气条件,分别采用人工模拟降雨或农田实测降雨的资料,分析农田非点源污染回归模型.水田施肥期采用人工模拟集中降雨情形,降雨强度为2 mm•min-1,模型氮素浓度范围为28~45 mg•L-1;水田生长期和非水田期采用天然降雨,降雨强度为0.037 6~0.075 1 mm•min-1,模型氮素浓度为0.2~4.0 mg•L-1.在分析长系列降雨资料的基础上,综合运用修正SCS(Soil Conservation Service)法、单位线法和相关分析法,估算得到农田径流过程排放的氮素量,再加上地下水渗漏流失的氮素量,取得上海地区一般降水年份农田的氮素非点源污染年负荷量为26.5 kg•ha-1.

关键词: 降雨径流, 非点源污染, 农田, 模型, 氮素, 上海郊区, 降雨径流, 非点源污染, 农田, 模型, 氮素, 上海郊区


According to the characters of runoff and fertilization, the runoff process in the farmland was divided into paddy field fertilization period, paddy field growth period and dry land period. Based on the fieldwork in Shanghai area, the regress model of nonpoint source pollution in these three types of farming period were developed. There is difference between the simulated and actual precipitations situations. Nitrogen concentration during the simulated precipitations varied between 28 mg•L-1 and 45 mg•L-1, with the precipitation density at 2 mm•min-1, and the nitrogen concentration during the actual precipitation varied between 0.2 mg•L-1 and 4.0 mg•L-1, with the precipitation density varing between 0.037 6 mm•min-1 and 0.075 1 mm•min-1. Based on the long-term precipitation data and nitrogen loss in the groundwater, by the modified SCS method the annual nitrogen load in the farmland was calculated, and the value is 26.5 kg•ha-1.

Key words: nonpoint source pollution, farmland, model, nitrogen, Shanghai suburbs, precipitation runoff, nonpoint source pollution, farmland, model, nitrogen, Shanghai suburbs
