An important characterization formula for M{2} was given by Stewart where M 2 Cm×n. But this formula contains redundant arbitrary parameters, and therefore is nonefficient. This paper, by using the matrix full rank decomposition, showed that for a proper subset of I{2}s, which is denoted as B1, the redundant arbitrary parameters in Stewart’s formula can be eliminated, and I{2}s is a union set of its certain subsets, and each of the subsets is 2-norm isometry with B1. Finally, the efficient characterization fonmulas for I{2}s, I{2} and M{2} are obtained respectively. An algorithm was provided that can be used to compute any element of I{2}s, and avoid the repeat computation work for each
element of I{2}s.
ZHENG Dao-Sheng
. Efficient characterization for I{2} and M{2}[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(1)
: 42
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.005
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