Using a model of C.elegans, this study aims to investigate the effect of PFOS on the lifespan and its mechanisms. Results showed that 0.2~200 μmol/L PFOS shortened the lifespan of wild type wormsin a concentrationdependent manner after 50 h exposure.In four transgenic strains, mutation of daf-16, daf-2 and age-1 which are related to Insulin/IGFl.1pathway(IIS), could affect the lifespans of nematodes. We further observed lifespan change rates of the four transgene C.elegansafter exposed to PFOS.Results showed that mutation of daf-16 or daf-2 did not alter PFOS induced effects of shortening lifespan in CF1139 and CF1580 strain.However, knockout of daf-16b or mutation of age-1blocked PFOS induced effects of shortening lifespan in CF1295 and TJ1052 strain. Our results suggested that PFOS could accelerate aging and shorten the lifespan of nematodes. PFOSinduced effects are closely relative with IIS signaling pathways, in which daf-16b and age-1 play important roles.
LI Dan
WU Jing-Xuan
LI Jia
HE De-Fu
. Effects of PFOS exposure on lifespan in C. elegans and their relations with IIS genes[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(2)
: 106
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.013
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