he OSPF network routing problems were solved by the use of the traditional SPF algorithm. Due to not considering the multiconstraint conditions and the effective use of secondary path, once the optimal path occurs to congestion, the network transmission performance will be decreased dramatically. In this paper, the QPSO algorithm was applied to the OSPF network routing planning, used by multiconstraint conditions and combined by the characteristics of OSPF network and a variety of routing parameters, which was effectively improved by the local network congestion and obtained the global optimum fast routing and routing algorithm, and verified the improved algorithm by using the simulation data. The results showed that the proposed algorithm got better improvement than the genetic algorithm and the traditional SPF algorithm in the solution of route planning problem and the network transmission performance.
Key words:
QPSO; IGP; routing; Qos
ZHENG Shang-Zhi
. Research on OSPF multi constraint routing based on QPSO algorithm[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(3)
: 91
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.011
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