Salinity observation is one of the major basic works for freshwater resource management and security of domestic water usage in the Changjiang estuary. The gained data can provide theory evidence for works as water intake in reservoirs and water conservancy projects. The observational stations and buoys that are set in estuarine region are the main longtime data sources of salinity in the Changjiang estuary. The longtime series measurement data has important scientific significance and application value for study on saltwater transport processes and reservoir operation. According to the comparison between numerical simulation results and observed data, the temporal and spatial variations of salinity distribution are analyzed. Meanwhile, the requirements of observation system and monitoring elements are discussed. In this paper, the designing method of salinity monitoring stations in the Changjiang River Estuary is presented, and the scheme of spatial unity and equilibrium of site locations as well as layout in the key research area are shown.
QIU Cheng
GU Sheng-Hua
. Analysis of salinity observational stations distribution in the Changjiang estuary[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(4)
: 7
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.002
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