The current methods of locationbased privacy preserving focus on protecting the location of users, but do not consider transportation modes such as BUS, WALK and CAR. Being one key attribute of moving objects, transportation mode reflects the feature of mobile users and can be used to analyze their behavior. This paper proposes a method including cloaking location and reset modes to preserve transportation modes of moving objects for range queries. Such a technique prevents modes from being disclosed and avoids returning precise data to illegal users. We analyze the two methods and introduce how to integrate the solution into the existing system. In addition, cloaking location and reset modes with different preserving granularity is proposed to have a flexible and tunable method for different applications.
XU Jian-Qiu
HUANG Huo-Rong
. Privacy preserving for moving objects with transportation modes[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(5)
: 77
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.006
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