Based on the data from the Chinese Citation Database of CNKI,the publications and citations of the Journal of East China Normal University (Nature Science) during 2005—2014 were analyzed. The results show that: (1) The citation amounts vary greatly among different disciplines. For example, mathematics articles are published most but cited least. The average citation rate of Earth Science is the highest. The publications of some disciplines are decreasing, including Geography and Statistics with high average citation rate, and Physics, Chemistry, Electronic and Communication with low average citation rate. (2) The highly cited articles come from Life Science and Earth Science. (3) The reviews, special issues and columns are very beneficial to enhance the influence of the Journal. (4) The articles from outside school or Englishlanguage are cited very lowly, especially about Mathematics. And, (5) the citations of the articles will reach a peak after 4 or 5 years. Then, some conclusions, which can provide the basis to make the drafts origin structure more reasonable, are obtained.
. Drafts origin structure analysis of the Journal of East China Normal University (Nature Science) based on the citation statistics in the past 10 years[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015
, 2015(6)
: 4
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.002
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