
 Effcient characterization for M{2,3},M{2,4} and M{2,3,4}and Mf2;3;4g 

  • ZHENG Dao-Sheng

Received date: 2014-09-29

  Online published: 2016-07-25


In this paper, by {\it selecting inverse image index method}, an efficient characterization formula from set ${\mathbb{A}}_{1}=\{\alpha:\alpha=(I_s,\eta^{\rm T})^{\rm T}\in \Bbb C^{n\times s}_s\}$ onto set ${\mathbb{B}}_1=\{\beta:\beta=\alpha(\alpha^*\alpha)^{-1}\alpha^*, \alpha\in{\mathbb{A}}_1\}$ is given. Besides, it is shown that each element of $I\{2,3\}_s$ is permutation similar to an element of ${\mathbb{B}}_1$. Then efficient characterization formulas for $I\{2,3\}$ and $M\{2,3\}$ are obtained respectively. An interesting thing is ${\mathbb{B}}_1$ is a dense subset of $I\{2,3\}_s$. The fact that $I\{2,3\}_s=I\{2,4\}_s=I\{2,3,4\}_s$ enables us to obtain the efficient characterization formulas for $M\{2,4\}$ and $M\{2,3,4\}$ fluently. Algorithm 3.1 may be used to compute elements of $I\{2,3\}_s$ and to avoid the repeated computation work.

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ZHENG Dao-Sheng .  Effcient characterization for M{2,3},M{2,4} and M{2,3,4}and Mf2;3;4g [J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2016 , 2016(2) : 9 -19 . DOI: 2016.02.002


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