
vec  estimates of solutions to the Cauchy problem of[2mm] one-dimensional convection-diffusion equations

  • ZENG Yan ,
  • XIN Gu-Yu

Received date: 2015-05-29

  Online published: 2016-09-22


This paper investigated the  estimates of solutions to one-dimensional convection-diffusion equations frac{partial c}{partial t}+ufrac{partial c}{partial x}=Dc_{xx}+c_{xt}-(c{2})_{x}, using Green's function method, frequency decomposition and energy estimates. We found that the decay rate of the solution is the same as that for heat fusion operator

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ZENG Yan , XIN Gu-Yu . vec  estimates of solutions to the Cauchy problem of[2mm] one-dimensional convection-diffusion equations[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2016 , 2016(3) : 21 -26 . DOI: 2016.03.003


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