In order to compare the microbial communities on tobacco leaves between clone library method and highthroughput sequencing method, we analyzed the diversity of microbial communities based on bacterial 16S rDNA and fungal ITS on tobacco leaves collected from Fujian province in China. The results showed that more numbers of bacterial and fungal sequences were detected by highthroughput sequencing than clone library. The number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) clustered from highthroughput sequencing method was almost the same as that from clone library method in bacterial communities, while that was higher from highthroughput sequencing in fungal communities. The rarefaction curves drawn from highthroughput sequencing method tended to approach the saturation plateau. The expected community diversity indices (Chao1 and Ace) were higher in clone library method, whereas the observed community diversity indices (Simpson and Shannon) suggested that higher bacterial diversities were detected through clone library method and higher fungal diversities were detected through highthroughput sequencing method. There were more kinds of bacteria and fungi genera identified through highthroughput sequencing method. The dominant genera of bacteria were similar detected from both of the methods, including Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Sphingonomonas. However, the fungal genera detected through these two methods were significantly different. Overall, novel highthroughput sequencing methods outperform clone library approaches in terms of resolution and magnitude. They enable identification and relative quantification of community members of tobacco leaves and offer new insights into environmental microbiology.
LIU Yu-Pei
LI Yuan-Yuan-
. Comparative analysis of microbial communities on tobacco leaves between clone library and highthroughput sequencing[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2016
, 2016(3)
: 92
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.03.011
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