Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science) >
DBugHelper: A Debug assistant tool for distributed systems
Received date: 2016-06-24
Online published: 2016-11-29
Development of large-scale distributed systems has experienced a long developing period. During the whole development cycle, debug is one of the most important steps. We meet the challenges of finding all the bugs and the corresponding solutions fixing bugs in a short time. Bug reports record bug histories and solutions, which provide a way to understand bug features and help to find solutions for new bugs. After we analyze the bug reports and fixed solutions, we find that there are strong correlation and similarity among many large-scale distributed systems. Thus the developing and fixing scheme of bugs may have similar characteristics. Then existed fixing solutions of bugs can be used to assist fixing new bugs. In this paper, we propose DBugHelper, a debug helping tool which
can be applied to boost the development of large-scale distributed systems and provide a more effective way to fix bugs. In DBugHelper, the existed bug reports are processed offline, and the latest bug report is represented as a query vector. We query the bug report history database and find the similar bugs with their solutions. In such way, we suppose to shorten the whole system development period.
Key words: large-scale distributed system; Debug; bug report; assistance
ZHANG Yan-fei , ZHANG Chun-xi , LI Yu-ming , ZHANG Rong . DBugHelper: A Debug assistant tool for distributed systems[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2016 , 2016(5) : 153 -164 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.05.017
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