Degree of enclosure as outdoor space form parameter study based on the urban microclimate analysis: A case study on office building site design in Shanghai

  • ZHANG Shun-yao ,
  • CHEN Yi
  • 1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
    2. School of Design Art, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China

Received date: 2016-07-22

  Online published: 2017-01-13


This paper studies the outdoor space form parameter, the correlation between degree of enclosure and urban microclimate, from the perspective of architecture site design. Outdoor space form is one of the control factors that can be used in the built environment adjustment by architects. Urban microclimate is the media and one of the main targets of the built environment regulation. Low carbon emission and energy saving is the goal of environmental regulation. Taking the typical office buildings site in the national anthem square in Shanghai as a case study, field microclimate measuring approach was employed to analyze the correlation between outdoor space form and temperature, wind and sunlight of site microclimate. By analysis of site plan and section, the paper discusses
the correlation between outdoor space form and microclimate. The result of the analysis indicates that the temperature, wind speed and solar radiation were significantly influenced by outdoor space geometry. A simple scatter plot and linear fit analysis indicates that the site microclimate is significantly correlated with the “degree of enclosure” contributed by buildings terrain and trees, quantified by the aspect ratio (H/W), plan transparent rate (L/C), Sky view factor (SV F) and Elevation difference (H). It suggests that, within the practical range, increasing SVF could increase air temperature (TMP) and solar radiation (SRD); increasing plan transparent rate (L/C) and aspect ratio (H/W) could decrease wind speed (WNS). Under the measured site environment, SVF cooperated with L/C and aspect ratio (H/W) could indicate the thermal buoyancy driven airflow rate that is determined by solar radiation heating. Summer and winter mathematical model was summarized through multiple regression analysis of outdoor space degree of enclosure parameter and microclimate element. A discussion on thermal environment of the measured site suggests an outdoor space form design approach that goes for diverse space form which combine semi enclosure and semi coverage instead of full enclosure could be the most efficient way to regulate the site microclimate.

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ZHANG Shun-yao , CHEN Yi . Degree of enclosure as outdoor space form parameter study based on the urban microclimate analysis: A case study on office building site design in Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2016 , 2016(6) : 1 -26 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.06.001


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