Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science) >
Comparative regression analysis to degree distributions of visibility graph
Received date: 2016-03-18
Online published: 2017-03-23
Visibility graph has provided much insight to study the dynamics of time series from the perspective complex network. We construct visibility graphs for time series from both auto-regressive stochastic and fractional Brownian motions. Our results suggest that degree distributions of the resulted complex networks of auto-regressive processes are characterized by exponential forms, while that of fractional Brownian motions obey power-law forms. Our conclusions hold for both the traditional visibility graph and its variant horizontal visibility graph.
ZHANG Rong , ZOU Yong . Comparative regression analysis to degree distributions of visibility graph[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2017 , 2017(2) : 75 -80 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.02.010
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