
Study on the local flooding risk in the civil defense projects

  • ZHAO Geng-run ,
  • LI Lu ,
  • LIU Xin-cheng
  • Shanghai Water Engineering Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200061, China

Received date: 2016-10-17

  Online published: 2017-07-20


In order to evaluate the defense capability of civil defense projects around the Shanghai Pentangle Square under urban local flooding, an urban local flooding model was built to determine the inundated areas and water depth under different rainfall return periods, and the pluvial flooding risk map was achieved. The inundated return periods of the 50 civil defense projects around the study area were calculated. The results showed that the inundated return period was connected not only with the elevation difference but also the topography and drainage condition. The inundated return periods were generally high and decreased as the freeboard increasing, but they showed different sensitivities to the increased freeboard.

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ZHAO Geng-run , LI Lu , LIU Xin-cheng . Study on the local flooding risk in the civil defense projects[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2017 , (4) : 160 -167,179 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.04.014


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