Based on ASTER-GDEM data, the geomorphic characteristics of the Siming Mountain (Zhejiang, China) are analyzed using ArcGIS. Parameters describing local relief, the Swath profile and Hypsometric Integral (HI) are applied. The results show that the Siming Mountain of NE-SW is controlled by fault structures. Area occupied by mid-elevation mountain, low-elevation mountain, hill and foothill is 0.6%, 16.2%, 32.7%, and 50.5% respectively; the mid-and low-elevation mountain have a low amplitude of relief (about 81 m). Swath profile analysis shows that the top of the Siming Mountain exhibits remnants of planation surface. When the planation surface was formed, the northeast tectonic activity was resurrected, which caused the basalt to cover it. The results show that the elevation of planation surface is close to the basalt elevation, whereby the southern parts of the mountain are higher by about 300 m than the north. The Hypsometric Integral analysis of each sub-basin reveals HI values are 0-0.35, 0.35-0.45 and 0.45-0.60, accounting for 47.31%, 30.58% and 22.11%. In this paper, the geomorphological features of the study area are simply divided by the HI value. It is found that the HI values in the study area are less than 0.6, and the landforms in the mature stage are subdivided according to elevation distribution in the EP chart, which are the older stage and the typical mature stage. The rest is corresponding to the old age of the landform, which indicates that the study area is now dominated by external force denudation.
XU Rui
DAI Xue-rong
SHI Yu-xin
HE Shan-shan
. Geomorphic characteristics of the Siming Mountain (Zhejiang, China) based on ASTER-GDEM data analysis[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018
, 2018(1)
: 154
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.01.015
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