Location-based service is a kind of service that obtains the location of mobile user and provides it according to location. Among them, one of the active topics is trip planning. People can make different trip planning to meet their multiple requirements by location-based service. However, in most studies, trip planning only focus on searching one route in many locations according to user's demands. When people are trying to visit the city more than one day, the travel satisfaction of the routes provided by previous researches would reduce by day. Hence, the previous work cannot meet the requirement of multi-day trip planning. To improve the satisfaction stability of multi-day trip planning, we use trip day as one of the multi-day travel planning parameters. We acquire points of interest (POIs) information (e.g., location, scoring, category, etc.) and construct a POI network model, obtain optimal trip routes through heuristic algorithm, develop an effective multi-day travel planning. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can plan a multi-day trip with high quality and more balanced route.
XU Kan
. Balancing travel satisfaction algorithm for multi-day trip planning[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018
, 2018(2)
: 52
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.02.006
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