Luminescence characteristics of Eu2+-activated white-emitting phosphor prepared from solar cell cutting Si powder

  • YU Xin-yang ,
  • CAI Ya-guo ,
  • SUN Zhuo ,
  • PIAO Xian-qing
  • 1. Engineering Research Center for Nanophotonics and Advanced Instrument, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
    2. Shanghai Industrial Technology Institute, Shanghai 201206, China

Received date: 2017-03-20

  Online published: 2018-03-22


Eu2+-activated white-emitting phosphors were synthesized by the process of ammonia nitridation at high temperature with the raw material of silicon powder from crystalline silicon solar cells cutting sludge. The effect of Eu2+ doping concentrations on structural and luminescent properties of phosphors was studied in detail. It turns out that the principal crystalline phase of the sample is the mixture of Ca2SiO4, CaSiO3 and Ca2Si5N8. These phosphors can be effectively excited in the range of 300~450 nm, showing intense absorption in ultraviolet to near-ultraviolet region. In addition, they exhibit intense white emissions with CIE (Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage) coordinates of (0.327 5, 0.386 6) under 370 nm excitation with color temperature of 5 705 K(5 431.85℃). There are two luminescence centers in the host, which locate at 470 nm and 570 nm, respectively. With the increase of the doping concentration of Eu2+, the emission reaches an intensity saturation and the optimum doping content of Eu2+ is 10.0 mol% due to the interaction among the activator ions which result in an concentration quenching. Using such a single phosphor, a white light output can be directly achieved combined with UV chip.

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YU Xin-yang , CAI Ya-guo , SUN Zhuo , PIAO Xian-qing . Luminescence characteristics of Eu2+-activated white-emitting phosphor prepared from solar cell cutting Si powder[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018 , 2018(2) : 115 -124 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.02.012


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