Geochemical characteristics of the peat profile in the Yangbajing basin, Tibetan, China and its paleoenvironmental implications

  • MENG Qing-hao ,
  • NIU Rui ,
  • ZHENG Xiang-min ,
  • Zhou Li-min ,
  • SUN Cheng-cheng ,
  • WANG Lin
  • School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2017-04-20

  Online published: 2018-03-22


The peat contains abundant information about climate change.In this study, the ratios of characteristic elements in the Yangbajing basin, Tibetan Plateau, are found to be an good indicator for evaluating the regional sedimentary environment (e.g., the change of wet and dry stages), according to the analytical results of special element rations (Fe/Mn, Ba/Sr, K2O/Na2O), humification and mercury (Hg) records in the peat cores. The paleoclimate evolution in the Yangbajing basin is classified as three stages as revealed by the elemental geochemical records:Temperature fluctuates and shows an overall increasing trend between 9.1~7.6 cal ka BP. The sedimentary environment is relatively wet during this period. Significant and frequent fluctuation of temperature is observed between 7.6~4.5 cal ka BP. The sedimentary environment tends to be dry; the temperature fluctuats less and shows a decreasing upward trend 4.5~3.5 cal ka BP. The sedimentary environment tends to be warm and wet. A total of four drying events are recorded in the peat profile, which occurs at approximately 5.8, 6.1, 8.2 and 8.8~8.5 cal ka BP, respectively. The four events recorded in the peat core in the Yangbajing basin are consistent with the regional and global climate records.

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MENG Qing-hao , NIU Rui , ZHENG Xiang-min , Zhou Li-min , SUN Cheng-cheng , WANG Lin . Geochemical characteristics of the peat profile in the Yangbajing basin, Tibetan, China and its paleoenvironmental implications[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018 , 2018(2) : 151 -159 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.02.016


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