Authentication and authorization are critical to ensuring the security of data and services in software systems. To satisfy the need for authorization management during the development of the next generation information platform for East China Normal University's Graduate School, this paper proposes an access domain-based authorization module and uses Spring Security components to implement a hierarchical, configurable, high-performance privilege interceptor. The approach can effectively defend against popular network attacks, such as session attacks and CSRF, guarantee low latency for web service access, and provide a flexible way to meet the frequently changing authorization requirements of faculty from different schools and departments.
GU Hang
SONG Shu-bin
XIAO Li-min
DONG Qi-wen
XU Lin-hao
ZHOU Ao-ying
. Design and implementation of an authorization system for a graduate school information[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018
, 2018(3)
: 109
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.03.012
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