Influence of dipolar magnetic interaction on the LDGMI effect of Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbons

  • SU Ya-pan ,
  • PAN Hai-lin ,
  • ZHAO Zhen-jie ,
  • YUAN Meng-ping
  • 1. School of Physics and Materials Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
    2. State Grid Nanyang Power Supply Company, Nanyang Henan 473000, China

Received date: 2017-04-20

  Online published: 2018-05-29


In this paper, the hysteresis loops, LDGMI (longitudinal driven giant magnetoimpedance) effect, and impedance phase variations of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 nanocrystalline ribbons are investigated. The results show that the anisotropy field and the platform width of the LDGMI curves increase linearly with the number of nanocrystalline ribbons. This stems from the dipole-dipole interactions between the ribbons. Simultaneously, the "platform" width was modulated by the frequency and intensity of the driven field, the broad field amplified with the frequency of the driven field increasing, and gradually decreased with the intensity of driven field increasing. Hence, the work has important reference value for the development of LDGMI devices with multiple cores.

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SU Ya-pan , PAN Hai-lin , ZHAO Zhen-jie , YUAN Meng-ping . Influence of dipolar magnetic interaction on the LDGMI effect of Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbons[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018 , 2018(3) : 129 -135,156 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.03.014


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