Using a typical sponge city initiative (rain garden and grassed swale) in Chizhou, one of the earliest and largest sponge projects in China, as the research object, we tracked and monitored manholes in two residential areas one where the sponge project was implemented and one without transformation. Effluent quality of runoff rainwater was monitored to investigate the emission reduction effect of pollutants from the sponge project on runoff in residential areas. The results showed that the concentration of effluent pollutants in residential areas after renovation was significantly lower than that in unmodified rural areas. Rain gardens had lower concentrations of effluent than those in grassed swale, and the water quality of rainwater gardens was more stable. Finally, the economic and technical indicators of rain garden and grassed swale were analyzed.
YANG Yin-chuan
HUANG Min-sheng
YIN Chao
HE Yan
CAO Cheng-jin
. Analysis of the pollutant emission reduction effect of a typical sponge project[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2018
, 2018(6)
: 43
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2018.06.005
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