First, this paper introduces the rules of the game NoGo. Next, we review current methods of artificial intelligence and their respective shortcomings. Then, the article shows an analysis of the game theory characteristics of NoGo and proposes a value evaluation function. Based on this function, a multi-layer recursive algorithm to the artificial intelligence of NoGo can be constructed, which addresses the problem of high complexity in time and space in the present algorithm. Finally, the paper demonstrates the capability of this algorithm and provides results that the program against with the famous open source software OASE-NoGo, which achieved a winning rate of more than 90%. In a typical situation, it demonstrates that the algorithm is better than existing algorithms in computing, and proves the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.
GUO Qian-yu
CHEN You-guang
. Recursive algorithm for NoGo based on value evaluation[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(1)
: 58
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.01.007
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