Using continuous observation and the inventory system for forest ecosystems, according to the People's Republic of China standard LY/T 1721-2008 Specifications for assessment of forest ecosystem services in China, combined with forest resource monitoring data from 2016, this study assessed the value of forest ecosystem services in Shanghai. The results showed that the total value of forest ecosystem services in urban forests in Shanghai in 2016 was 12.58 billion yuan and mean value was 127.5 thousand yuan per hectare. The value of the eight service functions was distributed as follows:forest recreation (26.03%), atmosphere environmental purification (22.03%), carbon fixation and oxygen released (20.24%), water conservation (17.14%), biodiversity conservation (9.10%), soil conservation (3.53%), forest nutrition storage (1.84%), contribution of forest to prevent natural calamities(0.09%). From the results of this study, the value of forest recreation was the highest. Forest recreation, atmosphere environmental purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release, and water conservation were the main functions of urban forest services in Shanghai; These features play an important role in building a livable city and establishing "an ecological city".
HAN Yu-jie
ZHANG Wen-wen
. Evaluation of ecosystem services for urban forests in Shanghai based on a distribution measurement methodology[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(2)
: 147
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.02.016
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