To evaluate the applicability of cryopreservation for bryophyte spores, this study explored the effect of dehydration time and low temperature pretreatment; the study was used to identify the optimal conditions for six moss spores collected from different habitats. In addition, varying time periods (1 d, 15 d, 30 d, 90 d, 180 d) of spore cryopreservation were studied under the optimal pretreatment conditions identified. The results showed that:①After dehydration and low temperature pretreatment, the highest germination rates of spores from the six moss species were maintained (87.25%~96.21%). ②Compared to low temperature pretreatment, dehydration seems to be the key point of success for spore cryopreservation. The average spore germination rates ranged from 74.97% to 96.21% when treated with dehydration alone; in comparison, germination rates ranged from 21.73% to 90.94% when pretreated with low temperature alone. ③The average germination rates of spores from five moss species maintained their respective highest level (87.25%~96.21%) after cryopreservation for 1 d and then decreased with the prolongation of storage time; nevertheless, the germination rates still remained at relatively high levels (73.69%~86.60%).④ The average germination rates of spores from Funaria hygrometrica, Pohlia elongate, and Trematodon longicollis after storage for 30 d were 86.49%, 86.60%, and 84.98%, respectively. The germination rates of spores from Bryum blindii and B. caespiticium reached 73.69% and 84.17%, respectively, after storage for 180 d. The study indicates that the procedure for spore cryopreservation could be a simple, stable, and efficient method for storage of bryophyte species in conservation programs.
SUN Li-wei
GAO Xue-di
XU Dan-er
Wang Shu-qin
YANG Zhuo-jun
. Variation in germination rates of moss spores using a cryopreservation technique: A case study of spores from six moss species[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(3)
: 138
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.03.015
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