Based on increasing demand for extended opening hours of urban parks at night, this study explores the satisfaction and service requirements of parks, via questionnaires, from the perspective of visitors and park managers. Based on an analysis of facility status, use characteristics, and park management and maintenance, the study puts forward countermeasures to meet the diverse demands of visitors, strengthen safety, and improve management policies, leveraging the management experience of gate-free urban parks in China and abroad. This study, furthermore, aims to provide a valuable reference for improving the quality of urban parks with extended opening hours.
LIU Na-na
GUO Xue-yan
CUI Yi-chong
LU Jun-yao
DA Liang-jun
. Research on service requirements and management strategies for urban parks with extended opening hours in Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(3)
: 155
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.03.017
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