Computer Science

A distributed user-friendly Dubbo interface testing platform

  • LI Yan-li ,
  • ZHANG Zong-yong ,
  • FENG Jie ,
  • LI Zhi-hui
  • Pingan eWallet Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200232, China

Received date: 2018-08-06

  Online published: 2019-07-18


With the development of online finance, the financial business has become increasingly complex and product iterations have become more frequent. Financial applications have started to use the Dubbo protocol for programming to support this prosperous business. There are some problems, however, in supporting testing of the Dubbo protocol, multiplayer collaboration, maintenance, and data analysis with the current testing tools. First, these tools can only be used to test the Dubbo protocol and the Dubbo testing framework that exists at present is difficult to promote. Second, complex businesses involve multiple applications; the current system does not consider automated collaboration among multiple systems. Third, single-machine automatic testing tools or coded automatic testing frames are not good for multiplayer collaboration in writing automatic test cases and maintenance. Finally, data analysis is usually the execution result when reviewing single-system test cases so it cannot provide a holistic analysis of data. In order to manage a large quantity test cases and support multi-system upgrades, this paper uses distribution technology to design and implement a flexible and visible Dubbo automatic testing platform with the existing testing framework. Based on an interface application, the paper provides visible data-driven and keyword-driven methods and supports the programming of complex test cases. It can also generate the interfaces that you need to test and can generate test cases according to them automatically. This paper describes the architecture of this user-friendly Dubbo testing platform and the management of test cases and execution in a detailed way. Lastly, it shows a comparison of cost vs. time and a comparison of automated test case growth between the old framework and the daily execution results of the new platform's automation testing.

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LI Yan-li , ZHANG Zong-yong , FENG Jie , LI Zhi-hui . A distributed user-friendly Dubbo interface testing platform[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019 , 2019(4) : 120 -132,143 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.04.012


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