In this paper, four kinds of common fillers natural soil, humus soil, biological ceramist and clinoptilolite were used to design three kinds of ecologic riparian devices (R1, R2 and R3) in different mixing proportions, and the devices were all filled with ryegrass. This study explores the purification ability of different riparian zone treatment units for the tailwater of rural sewage treatment plants, and provides a scientific basis for the application of this process in engineering practice. The results showed that the removal rate of pollutants (not including NH4+-N) by R1 was significantly better than R2 and R3, and the water quality was more stable. The average removal rates of TN, NH4+-N, TP, and CODCr were 23.0%, 49.5%, 36.3%, and 25.6% respectively. The contribution of ryegrass to the removal of N and P in the tail water was 23.5% and 22.6% respectively; hence, its purification effect on tail water is confirmed. The average removal rate of NH4+-N in water containing clinoptilolite was the highest (58.2%) with R2. The genus of organisms that remove organic matter from the biofilm of the ecological riparian zone played the dominant role (eg, sphingomonas), while the proportion of bacteria for nitrogen and phosphorus removal was small (less than 2%), This indicates that the removal of organic matter in the tail water of an eco-riparian zone depends primarily on the microbial degradation and transformation of the filler, while the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus depends primarily on the adsorption of the filler and the plant. Hence, subsequent research can strengthen the function of the riparian zone according to the type of pollutants, and try to add clinoptilolite to the existing packing configuration of R1, thereby further strengthening the deep purification effect of the ecological riparian zone on the tail water of rural domestic sewage plants.
YANG Yin-chuan
CHANG Yue-ya
HUANG Min-sheng
HE Yan
. Experimental investigation of advanced purification of tail water in a rural sewage treatment plant of an ecological riparian zone[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019
, 2019(4)
: 133
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.04.013
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