Data Management Techniques In the New Era

Efficient data loading for log-structured data stores

  • DING Guo-hao ,
  • XU Chen ,
  • QIAN Wei-ning
  • School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2019-07-28

  Online published: 2019-10-11


With the rapid development of Internet technology in recent years, the number of users and the data processed by Internet companies and traditional financial institutions are growing rapidly. Traditionally, businesses have tackled this scalability problem by adding servers and adopting methods based on database sharding; however, this can lead to significant manual maintenance expenses and hardware overhead. To reduce overhead and the problems caused by database sharding, businesses commonly replace heritage equipment with new database systems. In this context, new databases based on log-structured merge tree storage (such as OceanBase) are being widely used; the data blocks stored on the disks of such systems exhibit global orderly features. In the process of switching from a traditional database to a new database, a large amount of data must be transferred, and database node downtime may occur when there is extended loading. In order to reduce the total time for loading and failure recovery, we propose a data loading method that supports load balancing and efficient fault tolerance. To support balanced data loading, we pre-calculate the number of partitions based on the file size and the default block size of a target system rather than using a pre-determined number of partitions. In addition, we use the feature that the data exported from the sharding database is usually sorted to determine the split points between partitions by selecting partial sampling blocks and selecting samples in sampling blocks at equal intervals, avoiding the high overhead caused by global sampling and selecting samples randomly or at the head in sampling blocks. To speed up the recovery process, we propose a replica-based partial recovery to avoid restart-based complete reloading; this method uses the multi-replica of an LSM-tree system to reduce the amount of reloaded data. Experimental results show that by pre-calculating the number of partitions and partial sampling blocks and by using equal-interval sampling, we can accelerate data loading relative to pre-determining the number of partitions and global sampling blocks as well as relative to random or head sampling strategies. Hence, we demonstrate the efficiency of replica-based partial failure recovery compared to restart-based complete reloading.

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DING Guo-hao , XU Chen , QIAN Wei-ning . Efficient data loading for log-structured data stores[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019 , 2019(5) : 143 -158 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.05.012


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