In this research, we studied the effect of lime dosages on algae control as well as the dynamic changes in nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in urban landscape water based on the growth and decline of algae blooms at Guhua Park in Shanghai. The results showed clear seasonal variations in algae biomass in Guhua Park. The growth of algae could be inhibited by the addition of lime, and the inhibition performance improved with increases in lime dosage. Specifically, the algal inhibition rate ranged from 20% to 46% when the applied lime dosage increased from 0.02 g/L to 0.2 g/L. When the lime dosage increased from 0.2 g/L to 0.5 g/L, however, there was no significant increase in inhibition efficiency observed. Therefore, considering both algal inhibition efficiency and economic cost, the optimum dosage of lime is 0.2 g/L. Meanwhile, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in water initially increased and then decreased, reaching a final dynamic equilibrium. This study offers a new approach for algae control of urban landscape water.
ZHOU Yunchang
HE Yan
CHEN Jinghan
HUANG Minsheng
. Performance of lime-based algae control in urban landscape water[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2020
, 2020(1)
: 103
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.201831012
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