Different historical backgrounds and planning ideas result in different road fabrics for a city. Road fabric patterns affect urban microclimate factors and form a unique local microclimate. In this paper, we studied the road fabric of four “city” areas in Shanghai (i.e., the old downtown area, Gubei international community, Anting new town, and new Jiangwan town) by simulating the microclimate of the four research areas using ENVI-met4.3 software; we then used the data to compare the microclimate status of urban fabric at the medium and micro levels. At the medium level, the relationship between width, orientation, spacing, connectivity, and the climate environment was analyzed. At the micro level, the effects of Near-line Rate, Height to Wide ratio (H/W) and Sky View Factor (SVF) on the distribution characteristics of microclimate factors in roads were analyzed. The comparative analysis of microclimate characteristics at the “city” scale provides useful insights for urban climate adaptability in urban design projects and spatial morphology optimization in future urbanization development.
JIANG Yunfang
HAN Xuemei
SHI Tiemao
SONG Danran
. A microclimatic impact analysis on multi-dimensional indicators of urban road fabric: Empirical research on Shanghai[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2020
, 2020(3)
: 129
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.201941004
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