Water Pollution Control and Treatment

Research on the integration and application of aquatic vegetation restoration technology in the lakeshore zone of Taihu Lake

  • Xueyan YIN ,
  • Guanghan YAN ,
  • Xing WANG
  • 1. National Engineering Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
    2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Drinking Water Source Protection, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

Received date: 2020-12-04

  Online published: 2021-07-23


Since the eleventh five-year plan, the National Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (referred to as the “Water Program”) has developed more than 20 key technologies to assist in restoring the lakeshore zone of Taihu Lake Basin. These solutions overcome the application limitations of a single technology in ecological restoration of the lakeshore zone. This includes technologies for: rebuilding the upwind bank slope to eliminate wave and algae in the ecological restoration area; rapid settlement of sediment for lasting improvements in water quality; multi-level reconstruction technology for aquatic vegetation in an open water area; large-scale cultivation and community construction for optimal allocation and stabilization of aquatic plants; and utilization of aquatic vegetation resources for long-term operation and management, based on the technical requirements for improving soil stability, improving the wetland habitat, and restoring the aquatic vegetation in the restoration area. Hence, a comprehensive technology solution for ecological restoration of different lakeshore zones in Taihu Lake Basin (titled “investigation and assessment of lakeshore zone status, wetland habitat improvement, wetland aquatic vegetation restoration, and long term management”) was formed. The complete technology solution for vegetation restoration in the dike-type lakeshore zone has been successfully applied in Zhushan Bay of Taihu Lake, with the wind wave reduced by 64% and the vegetation coverage rate exceeding 30%. The complete technology solution for vegetation restoration in a gentle slope lakeshore zone was also successfully applied in Gonghu Bay of Taihu Lake; the implementation resulted in coverage of aquatic plants reaching 57%, water depth transparency of more than 110 cm, and a greatly improved biodiversity index. In summary, the research results provide a practical basis for aquatic vegetation restoration and water quality improvement.

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Xueyan YIN , Guanghan YAN , Xing WANG . Research on the integration and application of aquatic vegetation restoration technology in the lakeshore zone of Taihu Lake[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2021 , 2021(4) : 26 -38 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.04.004


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