Water Pollution Control and Treatment

Coastal structure and environmental resources of the Jinze water source area of Taipu River

  • Chang LIU ,
  • Bowen YU ,
  • Chengjin CAO ,
  • Minsheng HUANG ,
  • Xing WANG ,
  • Difang WANG ,
  • Yang ZHA ,
  • Mengzhuo LI ,
  • Haochen DU
  • 1. Shanghai Key Laboratory for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
    2. Institute of Eco-Chongming, Shanghai 202162, China
    3. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Biotransformation of Organic Solid Waste, Shanghai 200241, China
    4. Technology Innovation Center for Land Spatial Eco-Restoration in Metropolitan Area (Ministry of Natural Resources), Shanghai 200062, China
    5. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

Received date: 2021-02-01

  Online published: 2021-07-23


In this paper, we consider the rainwater runoff prevention and control technology demonstration area of the Jinze water source area in Qingpu District, Shanghai - Dalian Lake; the research area is a national major water project from the “13th Five-Year Plan”. Our study includes systematic research analysis on the type and slope of the riparian zone, the nature of the riparian soil, and the species of indigenous plants in the demonstration area; the study provides essential data to support subsequent research on the use of experimental rainwater gradient control technology in the riparian zone. The analysis shows that the riparian zone in the demonstration area is comprised of near-natural and rigid riparian, with gentle slopes. The aquatic and terrestrial plants in the zone with the largest population include lotus, reed, and herbaceous plants, respectively. Among the sampling sites in the study area, the average total nitrogen content of the soil in the adjacent farmland fluctuated around 0.95 g/kg, while the soil near the inlet gate was measured at 0.42 g/kg. The total phosphorus content of the soil in the adjacent residential living area, fish pond culture, and farmland area was more than 1.58 g/kg, while the soil at the lakeshore berm was measured at 1.10 g/kg. The average organic matter content was 11.30 g/kg, with higher values recorded in the densely planted area. These results confirm that local fishpond farming and agriculture have contributed to pollution of the soil environment.

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Chang LIU , Bowen YU , Chengjin CAO , Minsheng HUANG , Xing WANG , Difang WANG , Yang ZHA , Mengzhuo LI , Haochen DU . Coastal structure and environmental resources of the Jinze water source area of Taipu River[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2021 , 2021(4) : 72 -80 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.04.009


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