Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science) >
SU(3) covariant chiral effective theory and corrections to the octet baryon masses
Received date: 2021-04-20
Online published: 2022-07-19
In this paper, corrections to the octet baryon masses based on the strange quark contribution are calculated using the SU(3) covariant chiral effective theory. We find that the items violating chiral power counting rules are local and can be subtracted by local counterterms which leads to extended minimal subtraction
Zhou LIU , Jifeng YANG . SU(3) covariant chiral effective theory and corrections to the octet baryon masses[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2022 , 2022(4) : 103 -113 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2022.04.010
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