Physics and Electronics

Study on the properties of temporal modes in stimulated Raman scattering

  • Chen LU ,
  • Zhifei YU ,
  • Gaofeng JIAO ,
  • Liqing CHEN ,
  • Chunhua YUAN
  • School of Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2022-05-02

  Online published: 2023-07-25


Temporal modes are a set of orthogonal wave-packet modes that can be used to characterize temporal multi-mode quantum light fields. They provide a complete alternate theoretical framework for the description of quantum systems. This study is based on light-induced seeding as an input to stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), whose output, the Stokes field, is the input seed field of the next SRS ; thus, the process of a continuous iterative SRS system is realized. The pump light field is then fixed in a Gaussian waveform and super-Gaussian waveform, and the temporal waveform evolution characteristics of the output Stokes light field under the input of Gaussian waveform seed light with various structures are studied. The seed light injection can obtain the same stable waveform output through iteration, and the FWHM (full-width at the half of the maximum) of the output light field waveform depends on the pump light field. Furthermore, Schmidt mode decomposition is applied to the final stable output waveform, and the eigenvalues of the final output Stokes field are all concentrated in the fundamental mode by numerical calculation. The research on the temporal mode properties of light presented in this paper provides theoretical guidance and experimental reference for the further development and utilization of the quantum resource of temporal modes.

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Chen LU , Zhifei YU , Gaofeng JIAO , Liqing CHEN , Chunhua YUAN . Study on the properties of temporal modes in stimulated Raman scattering[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2023 , 2023(4) : 109 -118 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2023.04.012


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